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Please read this info before you make a booking. ??❤️


Youtube Channel: Tarot Bali Budenovi



 ( for reading offline):

IDR 400k (+/- 45 min)

cash or by  paypal at : 

for online reading IDR 550k ( send via paypal:

you can read all term and condition at the website.

GOOGLE MAP: Bude Novi Tarot Bali


Noviana Kusumawardhani a.k.a Budenovi

Jl Raya Lod Tunduh, Gang Damai No.7

Br Silungan, Lod Tunduh, Ubud, Bali 80571, Indonesia

Ph: 081339044380


Due for prevention Covid19 wear your own mask ( or you can take 1 for free the mask I prepared) and pelase wash your hand with soap ( there is a wastafel in my yard) or hand sanitizer that I already prepared  before you enter my reading room. 

This is due to regulation of my village about Covid19, I can open my reading at home if the guest willing to wear mask during the reading. So if you dont want to wear mask then maybe must wait until the regulation in my village over. Because if they find out that in the reading we are not wearing I have to close the business until Covid19 over. Thank you for understanding.

Please be on time because my schedule is very tight. 

If you need a driver I can recomend these driver:

Jon : +62 813 38637922

Gusti: +62 813 37345655

Dewa : +62 0857 39749414

Landung : +62 (0) 812 4699716


• Tarot helps us explore ourselves and our options, and reveal insight through our personal perspectives and experiences. Tarot is not meant to serve as a static picture of the future, or read anyone’s minds. Tarot is simply a way to communicate with yourself and the world around you, Though Tarot is a tool for personal and/or spiritual growth, it is currently legally considered for Entertainment Purposes Only.

• Tarot Readings are not guaranteed to be accurate.  Tarot Readings are subject to interpretation and should not be considered definitive.

• You are fully responsible for all of your decisions, actions, and the results therein.

• You agree that I cannot and will not be held liable or responsible for any harm, loss, or damages whatsoever caused by any decisions, actions, or results you make based off of any information you received in a tarot reading from me, or from  cards.

• A Tarot Reading is NEVER intended to take the place of professional: medical, financial, legal, or any other licensed advice or service.  If you seek such advice or service, you should consult an appropriately licensed professional.

• Tarot gives advice, but it is up to you on how you process the information. You agree that you have free will and thus ultimately make your own decisions and hold Noviana Kusumawardhani in no way accountable for the opinions she expresses in this entertaining and educational consultation, reading, or any of her videos. Her consultations, readings and guidance are meant to inspire imagination, creativity and intuition

• By requesting a Tarot Reading, you attest that you are at least 18 years of age or older, have read, understand and agree with this Disclaimer